Monday, January 31, 2011

Idiom: Pesei enda telam lalu

Idiom: Pesei enda telam lalu

Peséi enda bei telam lalu pronounciation: pe-séy en-da bey te-lam la-lu literally means: No fish eats the bait Malay: TIada ikan makan umpan or Umpan tidak mengena Actual meaning: attempts to attract (woo) someone failed. Malay: percubaan untuk memikat (mengurat) tidak menjadi ...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Idiom: Simei Ngau

Idiom: Simei Ngau

simei Ngau pronounciation: si-mey Ngaw Dialekt: Melanau Rajang literally means: shy like a cat Malay: malu-malu kucing Actual meaning: to be a very shy person Malay: seorang yang pemalu...
Laei-a: Mun enda ji tibah akou

Laei-a: Mun enda ji tibah akou

Mun enda ji tibah akou pronounciation: Mun en-da ji ti-bah a-kou literally means: if he/she were not being summoned by me Malay: Kalau tidak saya panggil Actual meaning: if you are not listening to my advice,you will be in trouble Malay: Jika tidak mendengar nasihat saya, kamu akan...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Anatomy Special Series Pt 8-8  The Abdomen (Pait)

Anatomy Special Series Pt 8-8 The Abdomen (Pait)

Original Photo: xxrobot The abdomen is called Pait in Melanau Mukah. Pait also means Stomach Perut, Magen. Melanau English Malay Deutsch Pait Abdomen, Stomach Abdomen, Perut der Bauchraum, der Magen Betuong Waist Pinggang die Taille Pused Belly button Pusat der Nabel Tuleang Id Thigh bone Tulang paha der...
Anatomy Special Series Pt 7-8  The Neck (Tengok)

Anatomy Special Series Pt 7-8 The Neck (Tengok)

Original Photo: rachel a. k. The Neck is called Tengok (pron: Te-Ngo'). It is not to be misunderstood as Tengok pronounced Té-Ngo' ( Malay: to watch). The throat is Ingouk. Melanau English Malay Deutsch Tengok Neck Leher der Nacken Kapei Bahu Shoulder die Schulter Breguong Tulang Selangka Collar...
Anatomy Special Series Pt 6-8  The Mouth (Bebak)

Anatomy Special Series Pt 6-8 The Mouth (Bebak)

This post is about the parts of mouth in Melanau Mukah. Melanau English Malay Deutsch Bebak Mouth Mulut der Mund Mujun Lips Bibir die Lippe Nyipen Teeth Gigi die Zähne Nyip Gums Gusi das Zahnfleisch Jelak Tongue Lidah die Zunge Tengad Throat Tekak die Kehle Bahud Larynx Peti...
Anatomy Special Series Pt 5-8  The Head (Ulou)

Anatomy Special Series Pt 5-8 The Head (Ulou)

Original Photo: JeremyMP In this post we are going to learn about the names of part on the face in Melanau mukah. The Face is called Jawai and the head is Ulou. Important notes: The mouth is called Bebak and the lips are called Mujun . These two...
Anatomy Special Series Pt 4-8  The Back of the body (Buta biyaih)

Anatomy Special Series Pt 4-8 The Back of the body (Buta biyaih)

Original Photo: evic peacock In this post we are going to learn about the names of part of the back region in Melanau mukah. The back region is called Buta Biyaih. Melanau English Malay Deutsch Kapei Mudak Shoulder Blade Tulang Belikat das Schulterblatt Sikou Elbow Siku das Ellbogengelenk...
Anatomy Special Series Pt 3-8 The Leg (Buduek)

Anatomy Special Series Pt 3-8 The Leg (Buduek)

Today we are going to learn about the names of part of the leg region in Melanau mukah. The Leg is called Buduek. It it is always misunderstood as the foot. To my knowledge. in Melanau Mukah, the foot have no special name but the upper region of...
Anatomy Special Series Pt 2-8  Parts of Arm in Melanau ( Pa'a)

Anatomy Special Series Pt 2-8 Parts of Arm in Melanau ( Pa'a)

Original Photo: ~Victoria Gracia~ Today we are going to learn about parts of arm in melanau mukah dialect. The Arm is the upper limb of human body. In Melanau mukah the arm is called Paa. The hand is called Nyagem which also can be translated as fist. The...
Anatomy Special Series pt 1-8  Names of finger in Melanau

Anatomy Special Series pt 1-8 Names of finger in Melanau

Original Photo: Ngadan Tujok gak Nyagem  - Names of finger of the hand MelanauEnglish Malay German Tujok PouThumb Ibu jari die Daumen Tujok IjukIndex finger Jari telunjuk Zeigerfinger Tujok DagenMiddle finger Jari Hantu Mittlefinger Tujok IsieangRing finger Jari Manis Ringfinger Tujok IngehPinky Jari Kelingking kleiner Finger ...
Anatomy Special Series Pt 0-8  Anatomy special 8 Parts series in melanau mukah

Anatomy Special Series Pt 0-8 Anatomy special 8 Parts series in melanau mukah

When you were a young child, it's possible that among the first words taught to you (as opposed to the words you picked up naturally) were the names of the parts of your body. Those words aren't likely the first words you'll need to learn in Melanau, but they're...
Why Melanau use Bin and Binti in their names

Why Melanau use Bin and Binti in their names

The Melanaus are mostly : 1. Muslim 2. Christian 3. Pagan Traditionally malay muslim have a 'Bin' (son of) and 'Binti' (daughter of) in their names. Hence from the name alone one can guess that the person is a muslim. However all the Melanaus have a 'Bin' (son...
The Melanau Calendar

The Melanau Calendar

Wearing Ipok Balau (Sago Spirit) Mask during Kaul Festival (Melanau New Year)  The Melanau used a lunar-based calendar where Bulan Pengejin, the first month of the year starts in March. During this month, the Melanau celebrate the Kawul (Kaul) Festival, which constitutes both a thanksgiving for a bountiful...
Melanau philosophy of Life

Melanau philosophy of Life

While the Melanau have mostly converted to Islam and Christianity, their view of the world and action still have strong influence from their ancient religion. In fact the christian and muslim melanaus are very similiar in conducting their daily life and developing unique understanding about the world around...
Jimalang Tanak- an earth Spirit

Jimalang Tanak- an earth Spirit

Jimalang Tanak- Image: The Trustees of The British Museum & Paul Beavitt The Melanau believe that we are living alongside with many spirits. Each of the spirits have their proper place and territories and these must be respected. In general these spirits remain in their territories, but it...
Melanau New Year

Melanau New Year

Image by abbybiha: Seraheing- Offering Basket during Kaul festival. New Year and the Month of Taboo January 1st is the start or advent of a new year for those people who follow the Gregorian calendar. It marks the end of one year and the start of the next...
Aristocratic Numbers

Aristocratic Numbers

The aristocratic Melanau ( a-nyat) have their own set of language to show their rank. This is almost a forgotten language and not many research about it can be found. Here are set of aristocratic numbers in melanau: English Arisocratic Numbers Common Numbers one jei ja two jerunei...
Lesson 5: Expressing Feelings

Lesson 5: Expressing Feelings

You will come to discover that, in life, for every situation that you may find yourself in, expressing what you feel can be so relieving. In this lesson you will learn about expressing feelings in Melanau Mukah dialect. Feeling ( Naseng, Rasa ) Angry Melalaih Scare, Fear Mengeang...
Lesson 4: Days and Dates in Melanau

Lesson 4: Days and Dates in Melanau

Days In Melanau days are being expressed in numeral except Sunday. ei. Monday = Lau satu (lit. Day one). Here the word satu ( malay for one) is being used instead of the word ja. This is one of the influence of malay language in melanau. Theoreticaly Lau...
Lesson 1: Greetings

Lesson 1: Greetings

Here we are going to learn about exchanging conversation in melanau mukah How are you? - Inou dengah nou? I'm fine- Akou diak un. I'm not feeling well- Enda diak angai tan rasa kou. What is your name?- Sai ngadan nou? My name is... , - Ngadan kaw......
Lesson 3 Numbers in Melanau

Lesson 3 Numbers in Melanau

Counting in Melanau is as easy as one, two, three. Both the English and Melanau languages use the same symbols to represent numbers, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.; however, the two differ in how the numbers are pronounced. Fortunately, you really only need to learn a small handful...
Lesson 2: Direction and Position

Lesson 2: Direction and Position

One of the most important things to know is how to ask for directions. You don't want to end up lost with no way of getting help. Learn a few key phrases and you'll be able to find your way around with no problems. Here are list of vocabularies...
Laéi-a: Singouih lah Bedil

Laéi-a: Singouih lah Bedil

Singouih lah Bedil pronounciation: si-nguiyh lah be-dil literally means: cold like a cannon Malay: Sejuk seperti meriam Actual meaning:a very cold weather, being too cold Malay: keaadan yang sangat sejuk, sangat sejuk Example: Kelalu tan lau itou. Singouih lah bedil Today is the worst. It is cold like...
Idiom: Pebulou Usuek

Idiom: Pebulou Usuek

Photo: StayPround Pebulou Usuék pronounciation: Pe-Bu_low U-su-ék literally means: hairy chest Malay: dada berbulu Actual meaning: a jealous person Malay: Orang yang iri hati Explaination: Pebulou means " hairy " Usuék means "chest"( malay dada ) Origin:unknown?...
Idiom: Pinyéang Nyawa

Idiom: Pinyéang Nyawa

Pinyéang Nyawa pronounciation: literally means: to search for Life Malay: Mencari nyawa Actual meaning: to intentionally engage in dangerous and lethal activities Malay: sengaja mencari bahaya atau mencari nahas Explaination: This figure of speech may sound positive but actually it brings a very negative connotation. Example: Kak taban...
Idiom: Sepuhut ji jawai

Idiom: Sepuhut ji jawai

Sepuhut ji jawai pronounciation: Se-pu-hut ji ja-wai literally means: look like a face that just being washed Malay: seperti muka yang baru sahaja dibasuh Actual meaning: to talk with no evidence Malay: Becakap tanpa sebarang bukti Explaination: Sepuhut means to wash the face ji means like Jawai means...
Idiom: Nyat Bam

Idiom: Nyat Bam

Nyat Bam pronounciation: Nyat Bam literally means: big step Malay:langkah besar Actual meaning:comfortable Malay: selesa Explaination: Nyat means big Bam means step...
Idiom: Pebulou Kabut

Idiom: Pebulou Kabut

Pebulou Kabut pronounciation: Pe-Bu-low Ka-but literally means: hairy buttocks Actual meaning: a coward, one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity Malay: Penakut ...
Idiom: Menggagak tan nyawa a debei

Idiom: Menggagak tan nyawa a debei

Menggagak tan nyawa a debei pronounciation: literally means: to intentionally test one owns life Malay: cuba menguji nyawa sendiri Actual meaning: to intentionally engage in dangerous activities. Malay: mencuba sesuatu yang bahaya Explaination: This Idiom has the same conotation and meaning as Pinéang Nyawa (to search for Life)....
Idiom: Menyebueng tan bulou biyaih kou

Idiom: Menyebueng tan bulou biyaih kou

Menyebuéng tan bulou biyaih kou pronounciation: Me-nye-bu-éng tan bu-low bi-ya-ih kow literally means: the hair on my body stands straight up Malay: meremang rasanya bulu badan ku Explaination: Actual meaning: to get goose bumps deutsch: ich bekam eine Gänsehaut Malay: meremang bulu roma More about Goose Bumps at...
Idiom: Nepeang bau Linga

Idiom: Nepeang bau Linga

Nepéang bau Linga pronounciation: Ne-péAng Bau Li-ngA literally means: to drape over the ears Malay: Sidai di telinga Actual meaning: Someone who will not listen to other people's advice Malay: Enggan mendengar nasihat orang lain Explaination: Nepéang is a verb means to drape over*. bau means above Linga...
Idiom: Lah tipa musit matalau

Idiom: Lah tipa musit matalau

Lah tipa musit matalau pronounciation: lah ti-pa mu-sit ma-ta-lau literally means: like ray of sunrise Malay: seperti pancaran/ sinaran terbit mentari Actual meaning: a very beautiful Lady. Malay: Perempuan yang sangat cantik Explaination: lah means " Like " tipa means "ray"( malay Pancaran, Sinaran ) musit matalau is...
Laéi-a: Lah Manouk ka

Laéi-a: Lah Manouk ka

Lah manouk ka pronounciation: Lah Ma-nouk ka literally means: like a magpie Malay: seperti burung murai Actual meaning:a very talkative peson Malay:cakap terlalu banyak Explaination: Lah means like Manouk ka is a Magpie , german: Dajaldrossel Learn Melanau idioms, idiomatic expressions, proverbs and sayings used in everyday language,...
Laéi-a: gak guun alan

Laéi-a: gak guun alan

Gak guun alan pronounciation: gak gu-un a-lan literally means: deep in the forest Malay: Actual meaning:Something that is very difficult to find Malay: Sesuatu yang sukar ditemui Explaination: To a melanau a deep jungle ( Guun alan) is a very dangerous place especially this is where evil spirits...
Idiom: Lah asou mueng amou

Idiom: Lah asou mueng amou

Lah asou muéng amou *Contribution from our reader: Lah asou mueng amou, ikui kiwa kiwed,bebak kiya kaong Meaning: like a dog seeing a ghost, the tail wiggles cowardly,the mouth barking empty pronounciation: lah A-sow mu-éng A-mow literally means: like a dog greets a ghost (spirits) Malay: seperti anjing...
Idiom: Lah Lisou

Idiom: Lah Lisou

Lah lisou pronounciation: lah li-sow literally means: like a Cyclone Malay: seperti taufan Actual meaning: someone who walks very fast Malay: berjalan terlalu cepat Explaination: lah means " Like " Lisou means hurricane (Malay: taufan) A lisou (Malay: taufan) is a very strong and fast wind and has...
Idiom: Belipan gak tagak a kek den,naga gak tagak adep nda bei den

Idiom: Belipan gak tagak a kek den,naga gak tagak adep nda bei den

belipan gak tagak a kek den,naga gak tagak adep nda bei den pronounciation: be-li-pan gak ta-gak a kek den,na-ga gak ta-gak a-dep nda bei den literally means: one can see a centipede under other people's ladder, but cannot see a dragon under one's ladder. Malay: Lipan ditangga orang...
Idiom: Diak kaau piman baya

Idiom: Diak kaau piman baya

Diak kaau piman baya pronounciation: Di-yak ka-aw pi-man bA-yA literally means: It is better for you to pet a crocodile Malay: Baik awak pelihara buaya Actual meaning: someone who is untrustworthy. Malay: Orang yang tidak amanah Explaination: Diak kaau means " It is better for you " piman...
Idiom: Apuk Tap Buduek

Idiom: Apuk Tap Buduek

Apuk tap buduék pronounciation: A-puk tAp Bu-du-é' literally means: White sole Malay: Putih tapak kaki Actual meaning: to be very scared (of something) Malay: berada dalam keaadan yang sangat takut Explaination: Apuk means " white " tap Buduék means "sole"( malay Tapak kaki )...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Grammar 4: Penjodoh Bilangan Melanau II ( Melanau Classifier II) Pt 2-2

Grammar 4: Penjodoh Bilangan Melanau II ( Melanau Classifier II) Pt 2-2

In this lesson we will introduce you with another set of classifiers which some thought only possible with malay classifiers but actually exist in melanau. ...
Grammar 3: Penjodoh bilangan melanau I (Melanau Classifier I) Pt 1-2

Grammar 3: Penjodoh bilangan melanau I (Melanau Classifier I) Pt 1-2

One difference is that the melanau classifier can be used for anaphoric reference but in malay it is not possible. Anaphoric reference is simply a word that represent another word. ...
Grammar 2: The Melanau Pronouns

Grammar 2: The Melanau Pronouns

Fortunately in Melanau the pronouns do not chance to the grammatical cases mentioned above. The melanau pronouns maintain their form in any cases. ...
Grammar 1: The Shortest Melanau Word

Grammar 1: The Shortest Melanau Word

Different from Malay which only uses yang as an indicator to relate to both animate and inanimate objects (Rumah yang besar, Pelajar-pelajar yang bijak), melanau uses 4 types of indicator. ...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Melanau Land of the dead- Likou a Matai

Melanau Land of the dead- Likou a Matai

At the mouth of the river (Kala) and before entering the land of the dead, a Bedua (Soul) must first seek permission from the guardian called Balou Adet. Journey on the river of the dead ...
Pages (24)1234567 >
  • Photo: OneMukah Before starting the feast of Kaul, a Serahang must be prepared. Serahang...
  • Photo of A-Bayuh (Shaman) by: Kampung Sesok A Seladai will assist the Shaman during the...


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