One difference is that the melanau classifier can be used for anaphoric reference but in malay it is not possible. Anaphoric reference is simply a word that represent another word.

Photo by: ginnerobot
A classifier ( Penjodoh bilangan) is a measure of word. A measure of word is also called counters, counter words or counting words. In english their use is analogous to words that represents units or portions of mass nouns.
one drop of milk
two sheets of papers.
The way a classifier used in melanau and malay is almost similar. The standard structure is:
Quantity + Classifier + Noun
Melanau classifers are:
Classifier | Meaning | Usage | example |
apah | body Orang/ekor | For people and animal | japah sapék (one cow) telou apah tenawan(3 persons) |
lawaih | person orang | for people | jelawaih sakai (one friend) pat lawaih sakai (4 friends) |
alak | seed biji/buah | object, fruits, grains, words, sentences | jalak teloh (1 egg) dua alak telabau (2 words/ sentences) |
aled | wedge baji | for wedge-shape object | jaled baweng apuk ( one wedge of garlic) pat aled dian (4 wedges of Durian) |
usah | shaft batang | for shaft-like object | jusah kayou (one woodstick) pat usah telagai (4 coconut leave sticks) |
bék | blade bilah | for blade,flatten objects | jebék ujik (one knife) 4 bék kapék ( 4 axes) |
kap | sheets helai | for thin, flat objects,leaves | jekap kertéh (1 sheet paper) 2 kap asok (2 plywoods) |
belah | sheets helai | article of clothing like shirts, shorts | jebelah bajou (1 shirt) 2 belah seluah (2 trousers) |
patak | cuts potong | for slices | jepatak siau (a slice of chicken) 2 patak jekan( 2 slices of fish) |
awak | no eqiuvalent translation | general purpose classifier* | jawak sapou (a (*) of broom) 2 awak sapou( 2 (*) of brooms) |
telou mija- three tables
instead one must say:
telou alak mija- three (seed) of table.
For singular noun we use the prefix je- (number one ja). If je+ a vowel the "e" will be droped. For example:
je+ alak = jalak
je+aled= jaled
je+apah= japah
je+usah= jusah
je+awak= jawak
One difference is that the melanau classifier can be used for anaphoric reference but in malay it is not possible. Anaphoric reference is simply a word that represent another word.
Man can be represented with he
Women can be represented with she
All members can be represented with they
In malay if we use classfier as anaphoric reference, the sentence is incomplete!
Saya ada tiga helai kertas. Tiga helai milik saya. Here Tiga helai is used to refer tiga helai kertas and it sounds incomplete (Malay: tergantung) because the listener may be intrigued to ask:
"tiga helai apa ?"-three sheets of what?
The correct sentence should be:
Saya ada tiga helai kertas. Tiga helai kertas itu milik saya.
Or even better:
Saya ada tiga helai kertas. Ketiga-tiga helai kertas itu milik saya.
See how we need to add the noun kertas(paper) to complete the sentence. The classifier helai alone just cannot stand on its own in the sentence. It needs a noun to supports it.
In melanau such sentence is possible:
the same sentence in melanau
Akou bei telou kap kertéh. Telou kap yen akou bei*.
here the classfier kap (sheets, helai) can stand alone without the need to repeat the word kertéh (paper, kertas)
* Some melanau use the malay word: Punya or Sarawak dialect empun. The correct term is bei because bei have 2 meanings ie. to have, to posses. (Malay: ada, punya)
This is same for the question: sai bei itou?- ( Milik siapa ini?, Sapa empun tok?, Whose this belongs to?)
bak word 'awak' en, kena pebak ji word 'igek' dagen bahasa sarawak ka?
ReplyDeleteIk. Tapi jareng bei a pebak "awak" itou. "Igek (Bhs Swk)" slalu nebak gak "Alak". Mun samar2 un penjodoh bilangan en maka nebak "awak" itou :)
ReplyDeleteGovernment Sarawak should introduce Bahasa Likou/Melanau in Primary schools, and as an elective subject in Secondary schools.