Lah asou muéng amou
*Contribution from our reader:
Lah asou mueng amou, ikui kiwa kiwed,bebak kiya kaong
Meaning: like a dog seeing a ghost, the tail wiggles cowardly,the mouth barking empty
pronounciation: lah A-sow mu-éng A-mow
literally means: like a dog greets a ghost (spirits)
Malay: seperti anjing menegur hantu (makhluk halus)
Actual meaning: all talk no action
Malay: Becakap besar tapi tidak berbuat apa-apa
lah means " Like "
Asou means dog
muéng is a verb: to greet ( menegur)
It is believed that when a dog barks, it actualy is trying to greet spirits ( in this case an amou). The barking is very loud and fruitless. Here the "all talk " is the barking and the ghost ( spirits) represents "nothingness" and whole thing apparently seems fruitless.
terimak kasih.. idak pkataan yg akew blaje kman blog itew.. akew akan cubak praktik.. lelah tan akew slalu angai a mperlekehkan asal usul keMELANAUan akew huhuhu
ReplyDeletehehehe. selamat belejer :) sama2 lah tua belajer telabau a dana sabei XD
ReplyDeleteDiyak angai usaha nou itou.