Monday, May 23, 2016

Beza bahasa Melanau dan Melayu

Beza bahasa Melanau dan Melayu

Photo: Muzium Melanau Sapan Puloh Sering kali terdapat salah faham yang mengatakan bahawa bahasa melanau itu merupakan dialek atau cabang bahasa melayu. Istilah melanau melayu sering kali digunapakai. Sebenarnya tangapan begitu kurang tepat. Dalam penulisan ini, Learn Melanau ingin mengupas persoalan dan perbezaan antara bahasa melanau dan bahasa...

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Bulan Pengesiseang (The Month of the Gills)

Bulan Pengesiseang (The Month of the Gills)

Description This month coincides with the month of February. Timing The strong wind brings heavy rain and blows the flowers off from the trees as well as uproots the trees. The flood waters bring them to the sea. Logs floating in the sea are pushed ashore by huge...
Bulan Pemalei (The Month of Taboo)

Bulan Pemalei (The Month of Taboo)

Description This month coincides with the month of January. Timing Legend has it that in ancient times, a great shaman was killed by his wife and his head was chopped off. However, the head disappeared from the house and it became the Taboo Star. This month is named...
Bulan Penangaih (The Month of Revival)

Bulan Penangaih (The Month of Revival)

Photo by : Ahmed El-Araby Description This month coincides with the month of December. Timing It is a time when the rains come to allow the flowers to blossom and the fruits to bear in the jungle and the forest. This marks the tenth month. Events no sigificant...

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bulan Pidai (The Month of the Discoloured Skies)

Bulan Pidai (The Month of the Discoloured Skies)

Photo by: Ma Poupoule Description This month coincides with the month of November. Timing This is the beginning of the monsoon season (suloh). Strong winds begin to blow, shifting the location of the sun and the moon. The Melanau calls it the South East Moon (Bulan Tenggara). This...
Bulan Suwah (The Month of the Waves)

Bulan Suwah (The Month of the Waves)

Description This month coincides with the month of October. Timing During this month, the ground will seem to grow and rise like waves. This marks the eighth month. According to Melanau belief, this is caused by the fish swimming back to the ocean and their fins appear to...
Bulan Pelepak (Month of Plentiful)

Bulan Pelepak (Month of Plentiful)

Description This month coincides with the month of August. Timing The Three Star takes over from the Seven Sisters and rise high in the sky. The wind drops and the sea is calm. The fish begin to come out and play. This marks the sixth month. Events It...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mepak (Kiss feeding): Melanau motherly love

Mepak (Kiss feeding): Melanau motherly love

Photo by: Stefan This is a melanau saying about Mepak: Yen ji tileang a tina gak aneak,Tenguan a debei keman,Tenguan yen kawak sien mepak aneak,Mepak tapak a debei nyaheak,Enda lawuih madak aneak nyaheak.  Which roughly translated: A motherly love is when she is willing to kiss feed her...

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bulan Pegalan (Month of the North Star)

Bulan Pegalan (Month of the North Star)

Description This month coincides with the month of September. Timing The sea will be very calm but there will be little fish to catch as it is the time for the fish to spawn. This month is called the month of Pegalan because this is the time when...
Bulan Paka Ayeng (The Month of the Rise of the Greater Stars)

Bulan Paka Ayeng (The Month of the Rise of the Greater Stars)

Photo by : EarthSky Description This month coincides with July.  Timing The Seven Sisters rise high in the sky and the Three Stars appear lower in the sky. The wind is of gale force.This marks the fifth month. Events All farming and fishing activities ceases totally for the...
Bulan Paka Umik (The Month of the Rise of the Lesser Stars)

Bulan Paka Umik (The Month of the Rise of the Lesser Stars)

Description This month coincides with the month of June. Timing The Seven Sisters appear in the skies. The West Wind blows strong to arrange the stars in the sky. This marks the fourth month. Events It is time for the Melanau to go to the jungle/forest and begin...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Kaul vs Pesta Kaul: Ritual Adat atau sekadar Pesta Budaya?

Kaul vs Pesta Kaul: Ritual Adat atau sekadar Pesta Budaya?

Bapa Kaul is raising the Seraheng. Photo by Persatuan Melanau Mukah Pada hari ini ingin Learn Melanau kongsikan pendapat seorang pelestari adat melanau, saudara Eduine Kusai, mengenai hala tuju Kaul Serahang Kakan dan Pesta Kaul yang diraikan sebagai acara tahunan di Mukah. Bacalah dengan teliti dan hati yang...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bulan Pengelawah Ayeng (The month of the Greater Clear Water)

Bulan Pengelawah Ayeng (The month of the Greater Clear Water)

Photo by: Douglas Scortegagna Description This month coincides with the month of May. Timing The emerald greenish hue reaches the shore. This marks the third month. This is a time for the Melanau fishermen to catch as much fish to send home as well as store their catch....

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bulan Pengelawah Umik (The Month of the Lesser Clear Water)

Bulan Pengelawah Umik (The Month of the Lesser Clear Water)

Photo by: Douglas Scortegagna Description This month coincides with the month of April. Timing During this month, it is said all the fish will come down to the sea as the sea will turn a greenish hue which is a call from the sea to the fish that...
Bulan Pengejin (The Month of the Spirits)

Bulan Pengejin (The Month of the Spirits)

Photo by: Douglas Scortegagna Description This marks the beginning of the year and coincides with the Gregorian month of March. Timing During this month, it is windy and the rain comes down in light showers in the beginning. The wind will gradually become stronger and the sun will...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Anatomy of a seashore

Anatomy of a seashore

Photo by: Drew's Photo Shoots  Melanau are renowned as seafarers and merchants, establishing trading routes with other ports along Sarawak's coastal areas and establishing trade with foreign empire such as majapahit and china. They are reputed as some of the finest boat-builders and craftsmen. Hence it is natural...
Anatomy of a tree

Anatomy of a tree

Photo by: Aaron Escobar Today we are going to learn about parts of a tree in melanau mukah. Melanau English Deutsch Amut Root die Wurzel Pu-un lower trunk unterer Stamm Usah trunk der Stamm Da-an branch / twig der Ast / der Zweig Da-un leaves das Laub Ujuok...

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Video: Melanau Prayer for Kaul ( Doa Kaul Melanau)

Video: Melanau Prayer for Kaul ( Doa Kaul Melanau)

Photo: Ipok Mask by Sapan Puloh Kaul - celebrated in the Melanau month of Pengejin to thank the Ipok (spirits/guardians) for a bountiful year past and a prayer for a good year ahead. The Melanaus belief is animistic and they believe that the world is protected and guarded...

Friday, April 8, 2016

Announcement of Kaul Serahang Kakan Kala Mukah 2016

Announcement of Kaul Serahang Kakan Kala Mukah 2016

The traditional Kaul (not the pesta kaul) mukah will be held on Sunday this april. Here is the video announcement: Video: Eduine Kusai. Uiii kelou dikakak wak bei lubeang likou nyat umit lai mahou itou saneang penghulu saneang pedengah saneang pengetaau kaul kala mukah lau nem, 9 lau bulan 4 taun 2016 jam...

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Jahak vs Jegem: The colourful side of melanau mukah

Jahak vs Jegem: The colourful side of melanau mukah

Photo: Nelson's Adventure Melanau mukah is one of dialect spoken mainly by the people in the administrative district of Mukah. Did you know that there is a subtle difference in melanau mukah spoken in the village near the headwaters (Ajok) e.g in Tellian with the melanau mukah spoken...
Pages (24)1234567 >
  • Photo: OneMukah Before starting the feast of Kaul, a Serahang must be prepared. Serahang...
  • Photo of A-Bayuh (Shaman) by: Kampung Sesok A Seladai will assist the Shaman during the...


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