Now is the time to remember pencil colours and maybe get them out again.
Red- Seak

Yellow- Kunieang

Blue- Biruk

Green- Gaduong

Hitam- Bilem

Orange- Kunieang oren

White- Apuk

Pink- Kalaih

Purple- Ingkodok

Brown- Pirang

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Purple should be mekodok, not ingkodok.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. I got the word Ingkodok from my grandmother who comes form tutus hilir in mukah. I think mekodok maybe another word from other variant of melanau mukah :). Some village do have different variant of the same word eg. we say ganjil (lazy) but those from telian will say gajil instead :) From which dialek and village use the word mekodok?