Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bethrothal and Dowry gifts for A-Bumi Giga (5 Pikoul or 7 Betirih)- Tied Freemen

8:14 AM

Amongst the Melanaus, there is a system of rank and every person belongs to a certain rank or 'adet basa'. A marriage within the same rank is called Sama Gara. In addition Sida adet is a marriage across rank boundary.
The preferred marriage is with a second cousin of any kind, provided it was not across a rank boundary.
All Photos are by Eduine Kusai

Tanda Tuneang ( Bethrothal gift):

Tanda Tuneang adet 7 Betirih ( 5 Pikoul) 

Jegateng padai lubeang segamut- 5 1/3 pounds ( 2.419 kg) of rice in a brassware 

Jalak benyoh tubok jagem dagen bukur- A fist size sprouted coconut on a deep brass plate

Tuduong tutup biasa- A normal conical cover for the sprouted coconut.

Jesai iseang dagen kapuran- A ring weights 1/10 Oz of Gold ( about 3g of gold) inside a small brass container.

The Dowry (Maih Kawin) 
It must be given a day before the wedding. The dowry consists of:

Penyekap- Given to the virgin and unmarried future Bride:

Penyekab adet 7 Betirih

1 kaheh- another type of keris

5 amaih maih- 5/10 Oz of gold ( 15g of gold) in form of a bracelet.

1 Sipir- a brass plate

1 Peresak rakep biasa- A handkerchief

Berian- The basic dowry in accordance with the customary law.

5 Pikoul- 5 Picul of Brassware ( equivalent to 5*RM25 = RM125)

Adet Menuga- Transportation expense for the bridegroom to the Bride's house.

1 Pikoul of Brassware ( equivalent to RM25)

Adet Mebin- Gift for the bridegroom before entering the bride's house

1 Pikoul of Brassware (equivalent of RM25) and an earthward jars called kanan seni ( equivalent of RM15).

Pakan- Monetary Gift for the Bride's parents or custodians. The value is decided by the bride herself.

Gifts during the wedding ceremony at the bride's house.

A piece of brocade textile for the bridegroom called Sebuhuong Tanjing Sarek.

Adet Pahek- Gift for the bride before entering the bridegroom's house. Adet Pahek consists of :

a) Pahek Mukad:
1 amaih maih- 1/10 Oz of Gold ( equivalent to RM10)
5 alak manik Tilak nebed jahak bibek kuali- 7 piece of "Tilak" beads tied with bibek kuali.
1 Picul Brassware from the adet menage.

b) Pahek Atap

c) Pahek Id

d) Pahek Keman

Adet petudui- Gift for the wedding night.

3 alak tulei- 3 piece of dammar gum
Bagou tulei- a brassware for the dammar gum
Kilak- a basket
a spear to cut the dammar gum
1 Terusoung- a conical water bucket made of sago palm frond-Ukap balau).

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  1. adat betunang 12 pikoul ?

  2. Unfortunately i have no information on that since 12 Pikoul is perabangan and they are malay sarawaks not Melanau purely. The highest Melanau Pure Noble Rank is the 9 Pikoul. Above than that belongs to the Sarawak Malay Custom.

    Some village also have 12 Pikoul. From my understanding this 12 Pikoul is actualy 9 Pikoul in term of Adet.

  3. What is the difference between Melanau wedding b4 70s until late 90s????



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