Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Grammar 8: The prefix "Ter-" in melanau (Imbuhan "Ter-" dalam bahasa melanau)

12:32 AM

words words words

The malay prefix "ter-" correspond to melanau prefix "pe-" and "trah" and auxiliary word "kajih" . Verb with prefix "pe-" have two categories:
1. Stative
Refer to a state of affairs and there is no action involve:

Paman- TerApung- Floating, drifting
Pekeang- TerBuka- standing open
Peba- TerBuka- standing open
Petum- TerTutup- closed

2. Accidental
Refer to accidental. The verb forms a term of a variety of uncontrolled actions, unintended, unexpected, involuntary or sudden.

Pebekak- TerTinggal- forgotten, left
Peta'ah- TerDengar- overhear
Pesabit- TerSangkut- 'hanging, to be caught up'
Peden- TerLihat- see
Pedudug- TerLanggar- Collide

The Verb "trah" indicate an abilitative. These verb indicate the doer's inability when paired with enda (not).

enda Trah keman- Tidak TerMakan- not able to eat anymore
enda Trah yap- Tidak TerHitung- uncountable
enda Trah subet- Tidak TerBuat- undoable
enda Trah belei- Tidak TerBeli- not able to buy anymore
enda Trah tuteng- Tidak TerMinum- not able to drink anymore

This additional word after an adjective is used to explain the greatest degree of quality or quantity. This corresponds to superlative "paling" in malay:

Kajih Nyat- Paling Besar, Terbesar- the biggest
Kajih diyak- Paling baik, terbaik- the best
Kajih idak- Paling banyak, terbanyak- the most
Kajih jaet- Paling jahat, terjahat- the worst
Kajih Alou- Paling panjang, terpanjang- the longest

Special Case:
Pengajih- Paling akhir, terakhir- the last
Tedengah- Terkenal- famous

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