Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lesson 8: Form of address in a melanau family

11:29 AM

Today we are going to learn about how the melanaus address members in their family.
First of all here is a basic word list:

English Malay Melanau
Father Ayah Tama
Mother Emak Tina
Son Anak lelaki Aneak lai
Daughter Anak Perempuan Aneak mahou
GrandfatherDatuk Tipou lai
Grandmother Nenek Tipou mahou
Grandson Cucu lelaki Sou lai
Granddaughter Cucu perempuan Sou mahou
Brother Abang Akak*
Sister Kakak Akak*
Uncle Bapa Saudara Tuak
Aunt Emak Saudara Tebusou
Cousin Sepupu Jipou
nephew Anak Saudara ( Lelaki) Naken lai
niece Anak Saudara ( Perempuan) Naken mahou
firstborn Anak Sulung Apah tika lalu
lastborn Anak Bongsu Apah tadei lalu
adopted child Anak Angkat Aneak Ihou
stepchild  Anak Tiri Aneak Tiheak

* the word sister and brother are the same in melanau: akak.
It is not same as kakak (malay for sister)

Form of address in a melanau family:

One addresses his or her mother: Inak or Sinak ( English: mum or mama )

One addresses his or her father: Apak or Ma or Sema ( English: dad or papa )

One addresses his or her grandmother: Mak Nek or Mak Ayeng ( English: Nana or Grandma)

One addresses his or her grandfather: Pak Nek or Apak Ayeng ( English: Grandpa )

If one addresses his or her uncles or aunts, it should be according to the order of birth:

  • Firstborn: Wa
  • 2nd Born: Anjang
  • 3rd child or Middle Child: Angah or Ngah
  • Others that are younger than the middle child: Cik
  • 2nd to lastborn: Udak
  • lastborn: Usu

The address form can be used for both uncle and aunt. For example:
Aunt Marie ( 1st born) = Wa Marie
Uncle Sam ( 1st born) = Wa Sam

Aunt Emily ( 4th born ) = Cik Emily
Uncle John ( 4th born) = Cik John

Among siblings (Janeak, adik beradik) there are no specific address form. Normally first name or nickname will be used.

Special case: Suffix of -m. ( Imbuhan Akhiran -m)
Tama, Tina, Tipou, Tebusou have special 2nd person possessive form.

Your mother = Tinam and NOT Tina nou ( nou means your )
Gan tinam? - Where is your mother?

Your father = Tamam and NOT Tama nou 
Gan tamam? - Where is your father?

Your grandfather = Tipum lai and NOT Tipou lai nou 
Gan tipum lai? - Where is your grandfather?
Your grandmother = Tipum mahou and NOT Tipou mahou nou
Gan tipum mahou? - Where is your grandmother?

Your aunt = Tebusum and NOT Tebusou nou
Gan tebusum? - Where is your aunt?

Written by

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  1. where to put "mik", "yak"? all of this actually modern / pre-modern form of addressing relatives.
    the old form of address esp. among tuak & tebusou always begin with amam/mam/ma & inak/nak, eg. mam umik for the youngest uncle, nak alou/ ma alou for the taller aunt/unc, or combined the form of address with name/nick name, eg mam ati to address uncle name meratim, nak iti to adress aunt name kitam,

  2. It depends on which melanau dialect/area you are from. Kuala Rejang area -a father will still be address as Apak and mother -emak.



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